Cavern Driver user guide
When you open the Cavern Driver, a mode selection appears with the 3 main use cases of the software pack:
- Setup speaker layout: To set up the listening environment for all software that supports Cavern, including QuickEQ, choose this option. Cavern will auto-detect legacy surround sound setups, but spatial layouts must be set manually here.
- Calibrate your system: This option launches QuickEQ. It can be a single button experience for beginners, but it's also a very complex software, that's why it has a completely separate documentation category found on the left sidebar. If you don't see it, enlarge your window, rotate your phone, or just click here for the basics.
- Play a file: Play any file of the supported audio formats, including object-based ones, and show all channel locations and object movements. For converting any content to your exact channel layout to be played back with your media player, use the separate Cavernize software, as this is just a visualizer.
Speaker layout setup
Clicking the Setup speaker layout button opens the page seen below. Its options are documented on the other tabs.